
Create a mosaic

  1. Import a bitmap image to use as the basis for the mosaic. The image must be embedded, not linked.

    You can also rasterize a vector object to use it as the basis for the mosaic.

  2. Select the image.
  3. Choose Filter > Create > Object Mosaic.
  4. If you want to change the dimensions of the mosaic, enter values for New Size.
  5. Set options to control the spacing between tiles and the total number of tiles, along with any other additional options, and click OK:
    Constrain Ratio
    Locks the width or height dimensions to those of the original bitmap image. Width calculates the appropriate number of tiles to use for the width of the mosaic, based on the original number of tiles for the width. Height calculates the appropriate number of tiles to use for the height of the mosaic, based on the original number of tiles for the height.

    Specifies whether the mosaic tiles are color or grayscale.

    Resize Using Percentages
    Changes the size of the image by percentages of width and height.

    Delete Raster
    Deletes the original bitmap image.

    Use Ratio
    Makes the tiles square, using the number of tiles specified in Number Of Tiles. This option is located below the Cancel button.