You access symbolism tool options by double-clicking
a symbolism tool in the Tools panel.
General options, such
as diameter, intensity, and density, appear at the top of the dialog
box. Tool-specific options appear at the bottom of the dialog box.
To switch to options for a different tool, click a tool icon in
the dialog box.
- General options
General options appear at the top of the Symbolism Tools Options
dialog box regardless of which symbolism tool is selected.
- Diameter
Specifies the tool’s brush size.

any time while using a symbolism tool, press [ to decrease
the diameter or ] to increase it.
- Intensity
Specifies the rate of change (higher values equal faster
changes), or select Use Pressure Pen to use the input from
a tablet or pen instead of the Intensity value.
- Symbol Set Density
Specifies an attraction value for the symbol set (higher values
result in more densely packed symbol instances). This setting applies
to an entire symbol set. If a symbol set is selected, the density
changes for all symbol instances in the set, not just newly created
- Method
Specifies how the Symbol Scruncher, Sizer, Spinner, Stainer,
Screener, and Styler tools adjust symbol instances.
User Defined to gradually adjust symbols in relation to the position
of the cursor. Select Random to modify the symbols randomly in the
area under the cursor. Select Average to gradually smooth out the
symbol values.
- Show Brush Size And Intensity
Displays the size as you use the tool.
- Symbol Sprayer options
The Symbol Sprayer options (Scrunch, Size, Spin, Screen,
Stain, and Style) appear under the General options in the Symbolism Tools
Options dialog box only when the Symbol Sprayer tool is selected,
and control how new symbol instances are added to symbol sets. Each
of these offers two choices:
- Average
To add a new symbol with the average value of existing symbol instances
within the brush radius. For example, an instance added to an area where
the average existing symbol instance is 50% transparent will be
50% transparent; an instance added to an area with no instances
will be opaque.
Note: The Average setting only takes into account
other instances within the Symbol Sprayer tool’s brush radius, which
you set using the Diameter option. To see the radius as you work,
select Show Brush Size and Intensity.
- User Defined
To apply specific preset values for each parameter: Scrunch (density)
is based on the original symbol size; Size uses the original symbol
size; Spin uses the mouse direction (or no orientation if the mouse
doesn’t move); Screen uses 100% opacity; Stain uses the current
fill color and full tint amount; Style uses the current style.
- Symbol Sizer options
The Symbol Sizer options appear under the General options
in the Symbolism Tools Options dialog box only when the Symbol Sizer tool
is selected.
- Proportional Resizing
Keep each symbol instance shape uniform as you resize.
- Resizing Affects Density
Move symbol instances away from each other when they are
scaled up and move them toward each other when they are scaled down.