
Hide or show objects or layers

Choose from the following methods:

  • In the Layers panel, click the eye icon  next to the item you want to hide. Click again to redisplay the item. If you hide a layer or group, all items in the layer or group are hidden.
  • Drag across multiple eye icons to hide multiple items.
  • Select an object you want to hide, and choose Object > Hide > Selection.
  • To hide all objects above an object in a layer, select the object and choose Object > Hide > All Artwork Above.
  • To hide all unselected layers, choose Hide Others from the Layers panel menu, or Alt‑click (Windows) or Option‑click (Mac OS) the eye icon for the layer you want to show. Alternatively, to hide all other layers other than the layer that contains the selected object or group, choose Object > Hide > Other Layers.
  • To show all objects, choose Object > Show All. All previously hidden objects are shown. Any previously selected objects are selected.
  • To show all layers and sublayers, select Show All Layers from the Layers panel menu. Hidden objects aren’t displayed by this command, only hidden layers.
  • To show all objects within a group, select an unlocked and visible object in the group. Hold down Shift+Alt (Windows) or Shift+Option (Mac OS) and choose Object > Show All.
Note: The Show All and Hide menus are disabled when you’re in isolation mode.