
Expand objects

Expanding objects enables you to divide a single object into multiple objects that make up its appearance. For example, if you expand a simple object, such as a circle with a solid-color fill and a stroke, the fill and the stroke each become a discrete object. If you expand more complex artwork, such as an object with a pattern fill, the pattern is divided into all of the distinct paths that created it.

You typically expand an object when you want to modify the appearance attributes and other properties of specific elements within it. In addition, expanding objects may be helpful when you want to use an object that is native to Illustrator (such as a mesh object) in a different application that doesn’t recognize the object.

Before (left) and after (right) expanding an object that has a fill and stroke

Expanding is particularly helpful if you are having difficulty printing transparency effects, 3D objects, patterns, gradients, strokes, blends, flares, envelopes, or symbols.
  1. Select the object.
  2. Choose Object > Expand.

    If the object has appearance attributes applied to it, the Object > Expand command is dimmed. In this case, choose Object > Expand Appearance and then choose Object > Expand.

  3. Set options, and then click OK:
    Expands complex objects, including live blends, envelopes, symbol sets, and flares.

    Expands fills.

    Expands strokes.

    Gradient Mesh
    Expands gradients to a single mesh object.

    Expands gradients into the number of objects you specify. Higher numbers help maintain a smooth color transition; low numbers can create a more banded appearance.

    Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you choose Object > Expand to expand a gradient using the settings last entered in the Expand dialog box.