
Use multiple windows and views

You can open multiple windows of a single document at the same time. Each window can have different view settings. For example, you can set one window highly magnified for doing close‑up work on some objects and create another window less magnified for laying out those objects on the page.

(Windows) You can arrange multiple open windows to suit your needs, using options from the Window menu. Cascade displays windows stacked and descending from the upper-left to the lower-right of the screen; Tile displays windows edge to edge; Arrange Icons organizes minimized windows within the program window.

An alternative to creating multiple windows is creating multiple views. You can create and store up to 25 views for each document.

Multiple windows and multiple views differ in the following ways:

  • Multiple views are saved with the document, multiple windows are not.

  • Multiple windows can be viewed at the same time.

  • Multiple views can only appear at the same time if multiple windows are opened to display them in. Changing a view alters the current windows, it does not open a new one.

Create a new window

  Choose Window > New Window.

Create a new view

  Set up the view as you want, and then choose View > New View, enter a name for the new view, and click OK.

Rename or delete a view

  Choose View > Edit Views.

Switch between views

 Select a view name from the bottom of the View menu.