
Control panel overview

The Control panel offers quick access to options related to the objects you select. By default, the Control panel is docked at the top of the work area.

Options displayed in the Control panel vary depending on the type of object or tool you select. For example, when you select a text object, the Control panel displays text-formatting options in addition to options for changing the color, placement, and dimensions of the object.

Control panel

Hidden options

Link to another panel

Panel menu

When text in the Control panel is blue and underlined, you can click the text to display a related panel or dialog box. For example, click the word Stroke to display the Stroke panel.

Change the kinds of controls that appear in the Control panel

 Select or deselect options in the Control panel menu.

Open and close a panel or dialog box from the Control panel

  1. Click a blue underlined word to open its associated panel or dialog box.
  2. Click anywhere outside of the panel or dialog box to close it.

Dock the Control panel at the bottom of the work area

 Choose Dock To Bottom from the Control panel menu.

Convert the Control panel to a floating panel

 Drag the gripper bar (located on the left edge of the panel) away from its current position.

To redock the Control panel, drag the gripper bar to the top or bottom of the application window (Windows) or screen (Mac OS).