SVG events
- onfocusin
the action when the element receives focus, such as selection by
the pointer.
- onfocusout
Triggers the action when the element loses focus (often when another
element receives focus).
- onactivate
Triggers the action with a mouse click or keypress, depending
upon the SVG element.
- onmousedown
Triggers the action when the mouse button is pressed down over
an element.
- onmouseup
Triggers the action when the mouse button is released over
an element.
- onclick
Triggers the action when the mouse is clicked over an element.
- onmouseover
Triggers the action when the pointer is moved onto an element.
- onmousemove
Triggers the action while the pointer is over an element.
- onmouseout
Triggers the action when the pointer is moved away from an element.
- onkeydown
Triggers the action when a key is pressed down.
- onkeypress
Triggers the action while a key is pressed down.
- onkeyup
Triggers the action when a key is released.
- onload
Triggers the action after the SVG document has been completely
parsed by the browser. Use this event to call one-time-only initialization
- onerror
Triggers the action when an element does not load properly
or another error occurs.
- onabort
Triggers the action when the page loading is stopped before
the element is completely loaded.
- onunload
Triggers the action when the SVG document is removed from
a window or frame.
- onzoom
Triggers the action when the zoom level is changed for the
- onresize
Triggers the action when the document view is resized.
- onscroll
Triggers the action when the document view is scrolled or