Mojikumi specifies Japanese text composition for spacing of Japanese characters, roman characters, punctuation, special characters, line start, line end, and numbers. You can also specify paragraph indents.
The existing character spacing rules in Illustrator follow the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) specification, JISx4051‑1995. You can select from the predefined mojikumi sets provided by Illustrator.
Furthermore, you can create specific mojikumi sets. In a new mojikumi set, you can edit the settings for spacing that you use a lot, such as the spacing between a period and subsequent opening parenthesis. For example, you might create an interview format in which you want to have an em dash before a question, and answers enclosed in parentheses.
To export a set, click Export, select a location for the file, type a filename, and click Save. Illustrator saves the file in MJK format.
To import a set, click Import, select an MJK file, and click Open.
To delete a set, choose it from the Mojikumi pop‑up menu and then click Delete. All the text to which the mojikumi set was applied will return to the default settings.