
Extrude & Bevel options

Extrude Depth
Sets the depth of the object, using a value between 0 and 2000.

Specifies whether the object appears solid (Revolve Cap On ) or hollow (Revolve Cap Off ).

Applies the type of beveled edge you choose along the depth (z axis) of the object.

Sets the height between 1 and 100. Bevel heights that are too large for an object may cause the object to self-intersect and produce unexpected results.

Bevel Extent Out 
Adds the bevel to the object’s original shape.

Bevel Extent In 
Carves the bevel out of the object’s original shape.
Extruded object with cap (top left) compared to no cap (top right); object without a beveled edge (bottom left) compared to object with a beveled edge (bottom right)