
Print dialog box options

Each category of options in the Print dialog box—from General options to Summary options—is organized to guide you through the process of printing your document. To display a set of options, select the set name on the left side of the dialog box. Many of these options are preset by the startup profile you chose when you started your document.

Set the page size and orientation, specify how many pages to print, scale the artwork, and choose which layers to print.

Specify how to crop the artwork, change the placement of artwork on the page, and specify how to print artwork that doesn’t fit on a single page.

Marks & Bleed
Select printer’s marks and create a bleed.

Create color separations.

Set printing options for paths, fonts, PostScript files, gradients, meshes, and blends.

Color Management
Select a color profile and rendering intent for printing.

Control the flattening (or possible rasterization) of vector artwork during printing.

View and save a summary of print settings.