
Brushes panel overview

The Brushes panel (Window > Brushes) displays brushes for the current file. Whenever you select a brush in a brush library, it is automatically added to the Brushes panel. Brushes that you create and store in the Brushes panel are associated only with the current file, which means that each Illustrator file can have a different set of brushes in its Brushes panel.

Show or hide a type of brush

 Choose any of the following from the panel menu: Show Calligraphic Brushes, Show Scatter Brushes, Show Art Brushes, Show Pattern Brushes.

Change the view of brushes

  Choose Thumbnail View or List View from the panel menu.

Change the order of brushes in the Brushes panel

 Drag a brush to a new location. You can move brushes only within their type. For example, you cannot move a Calligraphic brush to the Scatter brush area.

Duplicate a brush in the Brushes panel

 Drag the brush onto the New Brush button  or choose Duplicate Brush from the Brushes panel menu.

Delete the brushes from the Brushes panel

 Select the brushes and click the Delete Brush button . You can select brushes that aren’t used in a document by choosing Select All Unused from the Brushes panel menu.