
Save in EPS format

Virtually all page layout, word-processing, and graphic applications accept imported or placed encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. The EPS format preserves many of the graphic elements you can create with Adobe Illustrator, which means that EPS files can be reopened and edited as Illustrator files. Because EPS files are based on the PostScript language, they can contain both vector and bitmap graphics.

  1. If your artwork contains transparency (including overprints) and you require high-resolution output, choose Window > Flattener Preview to preview the effects of flattening.
  2. Choose File > Save As or File > Save A Copy.
  3. Type a filename, and choose a location for the file.
    Note: To display Version Cue options in the Save As and Save A Copy dialog boxes, click the Use Adobe Dialog button.
  4. Choose Illustrator EPS (*.EPS) as the file format, and click Save.
    To create a file that is compatible with a previous version of Illustrator, set the Version option at the top of the EPS Options dialog box.
  5. In the EPS Options dialog box, set the desired options and click OK:
    Specifies the version of Illustrator with which you want your file to be compatible. Legacy formats don’t support all the features in the current version of Illustrator. Therefore, when you select a version other than the current version, some options for saving aren’t available, and certain kinds of data will be changed. Be sure to read the warnings at the bottom of the dialog box so that you are aware of how the data will be changed.

    Determine the characteristics of the preview image that is saved in the file. The preview image is displayed in applications that cannot display EPS artwork directly. If you don’t want to create a preview image, choose None from the Format menu. Otherwise, select a black-and-white or color format.

    If you select TIFF (8‑bit Color) format, select a background option for the preview image:

    Produces a transparent background.

    Produces a solid background. (Select Opaque if the EPS document will be used in a Microsoft Office application.)

    Transparency options
    Determines what happens to transparent objects and overprints. The available options change depending on the format version you select at the top of the dialog box.

    If you choose a CS format, specify how to save overlapping colors that are set to overprint, and select a preset (or set of options) for flattening transparency. Click Custom to customize the flattener settings.

    If you choose a Legacy format earlier than 8.0, select Preserve Paths to discard transparency effects and reset transparent artwork to 100% opacity and Normal blending mode. Select Preserve Appearance and Overprints to preserve overprints that don’t interact with transparent objects. Overprints that interact with transparent objects are flattened.

    Embed Fonts (For Other Applications)
    Embeds all fonts that contain appropriate permissions from the font vendor. Embedding fonts ensures that the original font is displayed and printed if the file is placed into another application, such as Adobe InDesign. However, if the file is opened in Illustrator on a computer that does not have the font installed, the font will be faux or substituted. This is to prevent illegal use of the embedded font.
    Note: Selecting the Embed Fonts option increases the size of the saved file.

    Include Linked Files
    Embeds files that are linked to the artwork.

    Include Document Thumbnails
    Creates a thumbnail image of the artwork. The thumbnail is displayed in the Illustrator Open and Place dialog boxes.

    Include CMYK PostScript In RGB Files
    Allows RGB color documents to be printed from applications that do not support RGB output. When the EPS file is reopened in Illustrator, the RGB colors are preserved.

    Compatible Gradient And Gradient Mesh Printing
    Enables older printers and PostScript devices to print gradients and gradient meshes by converting gradient objects to JPEG format. Selecting this option can slow printing on printers that don’t have problems with gradients.

    Adobe PostScript®
    Determines what level of PostScript is used to save the artwork. PostScript Language Level 2 represents color as well as grayscale vector and bitmap images, and supports RGB, CMYK, and CIE‑based color models for both vector and bitmap graphics. PostScript Language Level 3 provides additional functionality to Language Level 2, including the ability to print mesh objects when printing to a PostScript® 3™ printer. Because printing to PostScript Language Level 2 devices converts gradient mesh objects to bitmap images, it is preferable to print artwork that contains gradient mesh objects to a PostScript 3 printer.