
Place (import) files

The Place command is the primary method of importing, because it provides the highest level of support for file formats, placement options, and color. After you place a file, use the Links panel to identify, select, monitor, and update it.

  1. Open the Illustrator document into which you want to place the artwork.
  2. Choose File > Place, and select the file you want to place.
    Note: To display Adobe® Version Cue® options in the Place dialog box, click the Use Adobe Dialog button.
  3. Select Link to create a link to the file, or deselect Link to embed the artwork in the Illustrator document.
  4. Click Place.
  5. If applicable, do one of the following:
    • If you place a PDF file with multiple pages, you can choose which page you want to place and how to crop the artwork.

    • If you embed an Adobe® Photoshop® file, you can choose how to convert layers. If the file contains layer comps, you can also choose which version of the image to import.

For a video on importing files into Illustrator, see For a video on importing and copying and pasting between web applications, see