Once objects are grouped, selecting any part of the group with the Selection tool or the Lasso tool selects the entire group. If you are unsure whether an object is a part of a group, select it with the Selection tool.
The Direct-Selection tool and Lasso tool let you select a single path or object that is part of one group or several groups. If you have groups of objects within other groups, you can select the next group in the grouping hierarchy by using the Group-Selection tool. Each successive click adds another subset of grouped objects to the selection.
Click the object.
Drag around part or all of the object.
Double-click to select further down into the group structure.
Click to select an object within the selected group.
Draw to add an object to the selected group.
Select the Group Selection tool , and
click the object.
Select the Lasso tool , and
drag around or across the object’s path.
Select the Direct Selection tool , and
click within the object, or drag a marquee around part or all of
the object’s path.