the Pencil tool to set any of the following options:
- Fidelity
Controls how far you have to move your mouse or stylus before
a new anchor point is added to the path. The higher the value, the
smoother and less complex the path. The lower the value, the more
the curves will match the pointer’s movement, resulting in sharper
angles. Fidelity can range from 0.5 to 20 pixels.
- Smoothness
Controls the amount of smoothing applied when you use the
tool. Smoothness can range from 0% to 100%. The higher the value,
the smoother the path. The lower the value, the more anchor points
are created, and the more the line’s irregularities are preserved.
- Fill New Pencil Strokes
(Illustrator only) Applies a fill to pencil strokes you draw after
selecting this option, but not to existing pencil strokes. Remember
to select a fill before you draw the pencil strokes.
- Keep Selected
Determines whether to keep the path selected after you draw
it. This option is selected by default.
- Edit Selected Paths
Determines whether or not you can change or merge an existing
path when you are within a certain distance of it (specified with
the next option).
- Within: _ pixels
Determines how close your mouse or stylus must be to an existing
path in order to edit the path with the Pencil tool. This option
is only available when the Edit Selected Paths option is selected.