

Slice output options

You can set the following options in the Slices set:

Generate Table
Aligns slices using an HTML table rather than a cascading stylesheet.

Empty Cells
Specifies how empty slices are converted to table cells. Select GIF, IMG W&H to use a 1‑pixel GIF with width and height values specified on the IMG tag. Select GIF, TD W&H to use a 1‑pixel GIF with width and height values specified on the TD tag. Select NoWrap, TD W&H to place a nonstandard NoWrap attribute on the table data and also place width and height values specified on the TD tags.

Specifies when to include width and height attributes for table data: Always, Never, or Auto (the recommended setting).

Spacer Cells
Specifies when to add one row and one column of empty spacer cells around the generated table: Auto (the recommended setting), Auto (Bottom), Always, Always (Bottom), or Never. For table layouts in which slice boundaries do not align, adding spacer cells can prevent the table from breaking apart in some browsers.

Generate CSS
Generates a cascading stylesheet rather than an HTML table.

Specifies how slice positions are referenced in the HTML file when using CSS:
Positions each slice using styles that are referenced by a unique ID.

Includes style elements in the declaration of the block element <DIV> tag.

By Class
Positions each slice using classes that are referenced by a unique ID.

Default Slice Naming
Choose elements from the pop‑up menus or enter text into the fields to create default names for slices. Elements include the document name, the word slice, numbers or letters designating slices or rollover states, the slice creation date, punctuation, or none.