

Adjust hyphenation automatically

The settings you choose for hyphenation affect the horizontal spacing of lines and the aesthetic appeal of type on a page. Hyphenation options determine whether words can be hyphenated and, if so, what breaks are allowable.

  1. To use automatic hyphenation, do any of the following:
    • To turn automatic hyphenation on or off, select or deselect the Hyphenate option in the Paragraph panel.

    • To apply hyphenation to specific paragraphs, first select only the paragraphs that you want to affect.

    • To choose a hyphenation dictionary, choose a language from the Language menu at the bottom of the Character panel.

  2. To specify options, choose Hyphenation from the Paragraph panel menu, and specify the following options:
    Words Longer Than _ Letters
    Specifies the minimum number of characters for hyphenated words.

    After First _ Letters And Before Last _ Letters
    Specifies the minimum number of characters at the beginning or end of a word that can be broken by a hyphen. For example, by specifying 3 for these values, aromatic would be hyphenated as aro‑ matic instead of ar‑ omatic or aromat‑ ic.

    Hyphen Limit
    Specifies the maximum number of consecutive lines on which hyphenation may occur. Zero means unlimited consecutive hyphens are allowed at ends of lines.

    Hyphenation Zone
    Specifies a distance from the right edge of a paragraph, demarcating a portion of the line where hyphenation is not allowed. A setting of 0 allows all hyphenation. This option applies only when you use the Adobe Single-line Composer.

    Hyphenate Capitalized Words
    Select to prevent capitalize words from being hyphenated.

Note: Hyphenation settings apply only to Roman characters; double‑byte characters available in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts are not affected by these settings.