On the GREP tab of the Find/Change dialog box, you can construct GREP expressions to find alphanumeric strings and patterns in long documents or many open documents. You can enter the GREP metacharacters manually or choose them from the Special Characters For Search list. GREP searches are case-sensitive.
For detailed information on constructing GREP expressions, see www.adobe.com/go/learn_id_grep.
Choose Edit > Find/Change, and click the GREP tab.
At the bottom of the dialog box, specify the range of your search from the Search menu, and click icons to include locked layers, master pages, footnotes, and other items in the search. (See Search options for finding and changing text.)
In the Find What box, do one of the following to construct a GREP expression:
Enter the search expression manually. To search for a character that has symbolic meaning in GREP, enter a backslash (\) before the character to indicate that the character that follows is literal. For example, a period ( . ) searches for any character in a GREP search; to search for an actual period, enter “\.”
Click the Special Characters For Search icon to the right of the Find What option and choose options from the Locations, Repeat, Match, Modifiers, and Posix submenus to help construct the search expression.
In the Change To box, type or paste the replacement text.
Click Find.
To continue searching, click Find Next, Change (to change the current occurrence), Change All (a message indicates the total number of changes), or Change/Find (to change the current occurrence and search for the next one.