

Move content between assignments (InDesign)

InDesign users can move content between existing assignments as well as from the Unassigned InCopy Content section of the Assignments panel. You can also create a new assignment and move content to it.

  1. Save the InDesign document.
  2. In the Assignments panel, click the arrow to the left of the assignment name to display the contents of the assignment.
  3. Select an item in an assignment.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the content from one assignment to another.

    • To move content to an existing assignment, choose Add To Assignment from the Assignments panel menu, and then select the desired assignment.

    • To create a new assignment as you move content, from the Assignments panel menu, choose Add To Assignment > New, and then specify options in the New Assignment dialog box.

  5. Choose Update All Assignments from the Assignments panel menu.
If the assignment lists are short, you might prefer dragging content items to and from assignments and the Unassigned InCopy Content section.