

Move, delete, and edit tab settings

Use the Tabs dialog box to move, delete, and edit tab settings.

Move a tab setting

  1. Using the Type tool , click an insertion point in the paragraph.
  2. In the Tabs dialog box, select a tab on the tab ruler.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Type a new location for X and press Enter or Return.

    • Drag the tab to a new location.

Delete a tab setting

  1. Click an insertion point in the paragraph.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the tab off the tab ruler.

    • Select the tab, and choose Delete Tab from the panel menu.

    • To return to the default tab stops, choose Clear All from the panel menu.

Change a tab from one alignment to another

  1. In the Tabs dialog box, select a tab on the tab ruler.
  2. Click a tab-alignment button.
    You can also hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while clicking the tab setting to cycle through the four alignment options.