
Index panel overview

You create, edit, and preview the index using the Index panel (Window > Type & Tables > Index). The panel includes two modes: Reference and Topic. In Reference mode, the preview area displays complete index entries for the current document or book. In Topic mode, the preview area displays only topics, not page numbers or cross-references. Topic mode is used primarily for creating the index structure, whereas Reference mode is where you add your index entries.

In Reference mode, index entries are alphabetized and divided into sections by letter. Triangles next to entries let you expand or collapse the entry to view subentries, page numbers, and cross-references.

The following codes appear in place of page references to indicate index entries that may not be included in the generated index:

Indicates index entries on the pasteboard. These entries will not appear in the generated index.

Indicates index entries on a hidden layer. When you generate the index, you have the option of including these index entries.

Indicates index entries in overset text. When you include these entries in the generated index, they appear without page numbers.

Indicates index entries on a master page. These entries will not appear in the generated index.

Click a triangle to expand or collapse an individual entry. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS), and click a triangle to expand or collapse all subentries for that entry.

Choose Update Preview in the Index panel menu to update the preview area. This option is especially useful if you’ve edited your document extensively or moved index markers in the document window.