
Add an object or page to a library

  Do any of the following:
  • Drag one or more objects from a document window to an active Object Library panel.

  • Select one or more objects in a document window, and click the New Library Item button in the Object Library panel.

  • Select one or more objects in a document window, and choose Add Item in the Object Library panel menu.

  • Choose Add Items On Page [number] As Separate Objects in the Object Library panel menu to add all the objects as separate library objects.

  • Choose Add Items On Page [number] in the Object Library panel menu to add all the objects as one library object.

  • Drag an element from the Structure pane to an active Object Library panel.

If you hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while you perform any of the above commands, the Item Information dialog box appears as the item is added to the library.