

Relink missing assignment files (InDesign)

If you move or delete an assignment file from disk, and then open the InDesign document from which it was created, InDesign won’t know where the assignment file is located. You need to re-create the assignment file so InDesign can find it.

Re-create the assignment file in the original location

 In the Assignments panel, do one of the following:
  • Select the missing assignment (it will still be listed in the panel) and choose Update Selected Assignments from the panel menu.

  • Choose Update All Assignments from the panel menu.

Change the assignment location

 To re-create the assignment file in a new location, do one of the following in the Assignments panel:
  • Select the assignment and choose Change Assignment Location from the panel menu. Specify a location and name for the new file.

  • Double-click the assignment name. In the Assignment Options dialog box, click Change and specify a location and name for the new file.