Find/Change dialog box contains tabs that let you specify what you
want to find and change.

Find/Change dialog box
- A
- Find/Change tabs
- B.
- Find a
tab character
- C.
- Replace with an em dash
- D.
- Search
- E.
- Metacharacters menu
- Text
Search for and change specific occurrences of characters,
words, groups of words, or text formatted a certain way. You can
also search for and replace special characters such as symbols,
markers, and white space characters. Wildcard options help to broaden
your search.
Use advanced, pattern-based search techniques to search for
and replace text and formatting.
- Glyph
Search for and replace glyphs using Unicode or GID/CID values,
especially useful to search for and replace glyphs in Asian languages.
- Object
Search for and replace formatting effects and attributes
in objects and frames. For example, you can find objects with a
4-pt stroke and replace the stroke with a drop shadow.
For a video on finding and changing text, objects, and expressions,