
Add columns to a text frame

You can create columns within a text frame by using the Text Frame Options dialog box.

To create columns of unequal width or height, add threaded text frames side-by-side on either a layout page or a master page.
  1. Using the Selection tool, select a frame, or using the Type tool, click inside the text frame or select text.
  2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options.
  3. Specify the number of columns, the width of each column, and the spacing between each column (gutter) for the text frame.
  4. (Optional) Select Fixed Column Width to maintain column width when you resize the frame. If this option is selected, resizing the frame can change the number of columns, but not their width.
    Fixed column width

    Original 2‑column text frame

    Resized with Fixed Column Width deselected (still 2 columns)

    Resized with Fixed Column Width selected (4 columns)