

Merge and split cells

You can merge (combine) or split (divide) cells in a table.

Merge cells

You can combine two or more cells in the same row or column into a single cell. For example, you can merge the cells in the top row of the table to create a single cell to be used for the table title.

  1. Using the Type tool , select the cells you want to merge.
  2. Choose Table > Merge Cells.

Unmerge cells

 Place the insertion point in the merged cell and choose Table > Unmerge Cells.

Split cells

You can split cells horizontally or vertically, which is especially useful when creating form tables. You can select multiple cells and split them vertically or horizontally.

  1. Place the insertion point in the cell you want to split, or select a row, column, or block of cells.
  2. Choose Table > Split Cell Vertically or Split Cell Horizontally.