

Customize color settings

For most color-managed workflows, it is best to use a preset color setting that has been tested by Adobe Systems. Changing specific options is recommended only if you are knowledgeable about color management and very confident about the changes you make.

After you customize options, you can save them as a preset. Saving color settings ensures that you can reuse them and share them with other users or applications.

  • To save color settings as a preset, click Save in the Color Settings dialog box. To ensure that the application displays the setting name in the Color Settings dialog box, save the file in the default location. If you save the file to a different location, you must load the file before you can select the setting.
  • To load a color settings preset that’s not saved in the standard location, click Load in the Color Settings dialog box, select the file you want to load, and click Open.
Note: In Acrobat, you cannot save customized color settings. To share customized color settings with Acrobat, you must create the file in InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop, and then save it in the default Settings folder. It will then be available in the Color Management category of the Preferences dialog box. You can also add settings manually to the default Settings folder.