
Edit or delete type on a path

You can apply character and paragraph options to type on a path. However, paragraph rules and paragraph spacing options have no effect on type on a path. The alignment setting in the Paragraph panel controls the alignment of type on a path.

Edit and format path-type characters

  1. Using the Type On A Path tool, do one of the following:
    • To add an insertion point, click between any two characters in the type on a path.

    • To select characters, drag through the type on a path.

  2. Edit and format the text as needed.

Delete type from a path

  1. Using the Selection tool  or Direct Selection tool , select one or more type-on-a-path objects.
  2. Choose Type > Type on a Path > Delete Type From Path.

If the path text is threaded, type moves to the next threaded text frame or type-on-a-path object. If the path text isn’t threaded, text is deleted. The path remains, but loses any type-on-a-path attributes—all brackets, in and out ports, and threading properties are removed.

Note: If the path’s fill and stroke are set to None, the path is invisible after you delete the type. To make the path visible, press the D key immediately after you choose Type > Type on a Path > Delete Type From Path. This applies the default fill and stroke to the selected path.

Tighten character spacing around sharp turns and acute angles

  1. Using the Selection tool or the Type tool, select the type on a path.
  2. Choose Type > Type on a Path > Options, or double-click the Type On A Path tool.
  3. For Spacing, type a value in points. Higher values remove the extra space from between characters positioned on sharp curves or angles.
Type on a path before (left) and after (right) applying spacing adjustment

Note: The Spacing value compensates for the way characters fan out around a curve or sharp angle. It has no effect on characters positioned on straight segments. To change spacing of characters anywhere along the path, select them, and then apply kerning or tracking.