

Customize trapping for specialty inks

Using certain inks involves special trapping considerations. For example, if you are using a varnish on your document, you don’t want the varnish to affect trapping. However, if you’re overprinting certain areas with a completely opaque ink, you don’t need to create traps for items underneath. Ink options are available for these situations. It’s usually best not to change the default settings, unless your prepress service provider recommends changing them.

Note: The speciality inks and varnishes used in the document may have been created by mixing two spot inks or by mixing a spot ink with one or more process inks.
  1. Open the Ink Manager and select an ink that requires special treatment.
  2. For Type, choose one of the following options, and then click OK:
    Use for traditional process inks and most spot inks.

    Use for clear inks to ensure that underlying items trap. Use this option for varnishes and dieline inks.

    Use for heavy, nontransparent inks to prevent trapping of underlying colors but allow for trapping along the ink’s edges. Use this option for metallic inks.

    Opaque Ignore
    Use for heavy, nontransparent inks to prevent trapping of underlying colors and to prevent trapping along the ink’s edges. Use this option for those inks, such as metallics and varnishes, that have undesirable interactions with other inks.