
Configure plug‑ins

Use the Configure Plug‑ins dialog box to inspect and customize the set of installed plug‑ins. For example, you can get detailed information about installed plug‑ins, create custom plug‑in sets for different tasks or workgroups, and isolate plug‑ins when troubleshooting problems.

In the Configure Plug‑ins dialog box, icons identify different kinds of plug‑ins:

  • Enabled plug‑ins  were loaded when you started the current InDesign session, and will stay loaded until you exit InDesign.

  • Adobe  plug‑ins are provided by Adobe.

  • Required  plug‑ins must be present for InDesign to start.

Note: You cannot edit, rename, or delete the All Plug‑ins, Adobe Plug‑ins, or Required Plug‑ins sets. To change any of those sets, first duplicate the set, and then edit the duplicate.
  1. Choose Help > Configure Plug‑ins (Windows) or InDesign > Configure Plug‑ins (Mac OS).
  2. Do any of the following, and then click OK:
    • To change the active set of plug‑ins, choose one in the Set menu.

    • To disable or enable a plug‑in, make sure that a custom set is active, and then click to hide or show the check mark at the far left of the plug‑in listing.

      Note: When you enable or disable plug‑ins or choose a different plug‑in set, the change doesn’t take effect until you exit and restart InDesign.
    • To change the plug‑ins list display, select or deselect any option in the Display section. Changing options in this section affects the list display only, not the actual status of plug‑ins.

    • To create a new plug‑in set from a duplicate of the active set, click Duplicate, name the set, and then click OK. The set you create becomes the active set.

    • To rename the active set of plug‑ins, click Rename, name the set, and then click OK.

    • To permanently remove the active set, click Delete, and then click OK when an alert message appears.

    • To import a file of plug‑in sets, click Import, locate and select the file containing the sets you want to import, and then click OK. If the file you import contains a set that has the same name as an existing set, the imported set will be renamed as a copy. The first set in the file you import becomes the active set.

      Note: (Windows only) When importing plug‑in sets, if you select Plug‑in Manager Import Files in the Files Of Type menu in the Open A File dialog box, plug‑in set files will appear only if the files are named with a file name extension .pset.
    • To export all custom plug‑in sets to one file, click Export, go to the folder in which you want to store the file, select Export All Sets, and then click Save. Plug‑in sets are exported with the file name extension .pset.

    • To see detailed information about a plug‑in, select the plug‑in and click Show Info. In addition to viewing such information as a plug‑in’s version, you can find out if it depends on other plug‑ins. When you’re finished, click OK to close the Plug‑in Information dialog box.

You can also view plug‑in details by double-clicking a plug‑in in the list.