The Glyph section of the Find/Change
dialog box is especially useful for replacing glyphs that share
the same unicode value with other similar glyphs, such as alternate
Choose Edit > Find/Change.
At the bottom of the dialog box, specify a range from
the Search menu, and click icons to determine whether items such
as locked layers, master pages, and footnotes are included in the
search. (See Search options for finding and changing text.)
Under Find Glyph, select the Font Family and Font Style
in which the glyph is located.
The Font Family menu displays only those fonts that are
applied to text in the current document. Fonts in unused styles
do not appear.
Do one of the following to enter the glyph you want to
find in the Glyph box:
Click the button beside the Glyph box,
and then double-click a glyph on the panel. This panel works like
the Glyphs panel.
Choose Unicode or GID/CID, and enter the code for
the glyph.
You can use other methods to enter the
glyph you want to find in the Glyph box. Select a glyph in the document
window and choose Load Selected Glyph In Find from the context menu,
or select a glyph in the Glyphs panel and choose Load Glyph In Find
from the context menu.
Under Change Glyph, enter the replacement glyph by using
the same techniques you use to enter the glyph you’re searching
Click Find.
To continue searching, click Find Next, Change (to change
the most recently found glyph), Change All (a message indicates
the total number of changes), or Change/Find (to change the current
occurrence and search for the next one).