
Display link information

The Link Information dialog box lists information about the selected linked file. The Date, Time, and Size sections specify information about the linked file at the time it was last placed or updated.

The Link Needed section specifies whether a link to a full-resolution version of the file is needed. Files that are automatically embedded at import (those under 48K and text files) don’t require links.

Note: If you work with files from an Adobe Version Cue project, the Links panel displays additional file information.
  1. Double-click a link, or select a link and choose Link Information from the Links panel menu.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To view the linked file in the document, click Go To Link.

    • To replace or update the current file (listed under the Name option), click Relink, locate and select a file, and then click OK.

    • Click Next or Previous to see information for the other links in the Links panel.

  3. Click Done.