Keep the following guidelines in mind as you work with start and end shapes:
You can’t edit the available start and end shapes, but if you’ve obtained plug‑in software that adds more options, the Start and End menus in the Stroke panel can include additional shapes.
Start and end shapes are sized in proportion to the stroke weight. However, adding a start or end shape does not change the length of the path.
Start and end shapes automatically rotate to match the angle of an endpoint’s direction line.
Start and end shapes appear at endpoints of open paths only; they won’t appear on individual dashes of a dashed stroke.
If you apply start and end shapes to a compound path that includes open subpaths, each open subpath will use the same start and end shapes.
You can apply start and end shapes to a closed path, but they won’t be visible unless you open the path.
Use the Start and End menus in the Stroke panel to add an arrowhead or other shape to the end of an open path.