
Convert between smooth points and corner points

Paths can have two kinds of anchor points—corner points and smooth points. At a corner point, a path abruptly changes direction. At a smooth point, path segments are connected as a continuous curve. The Convert Direction Point tool . lets you change an anchor point from a corner point to a smooth point or visa versa.

  1. Using the Direct Selection tool , select the path you want to modify.
  2. Switch to the Convert Direction Point tool . (If necessary, position the pointer over the Pen tool and drag to choose the Convert Direction Point tool.)
  3. Position the Convert Direction Point tool over the anchor point you want to convert, and do one of the following:
    • To convert a corner point to a smooth point, drag direction lines out of the corner point.

      Dragging direction lines out of corner point to create smooth point

    • To convert a smooth point to a corner point without using direction lines, click a smooth point.

      Clicking smooth point to create corner point

    • To convert a corner point without using direction lines to a corner point with independent direction lines, first drag direction lines out of a corner point (making it a smooth point). Release the mouse button, and then drag either direction line.

    • To convert a smooth point to a corner point with independent direction lines, drag either direction line.

Converting smooth point to corner point

To temporarily switch from the Convert Direction Point tool to the Direct Selection tool, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS).