

Work with attributes

An attribute provides additional information about an XML element. Each attribute consists of a name and a value. Attributes appear in the Structure pane; they are not placed in the document or used as content in the document. Include attributes with elements for the benefit of files and applications that will use the XML files you create in InDesign.

When you tag an image, InDesign automatically creates an href attribute with a value that defines the on-disk location of the image file. This href attribute allows other files and applications to locate the image on disk so it can be displayed.

An attribute includes a name (href, in this case) and a value.

You can add attributes to any element except the DOCTYPE element (a DTD file), comments, and processing instructions. For example, to include keywords for searching in a downstream application, you can create an attribute called keywords. You could also create attributes to indicate substituted text, track article titles, and record other content-related information.

If you are using a DTD file, view its contents to see which attributes it allows. Attribute names, like tag names, must conform to the DTD.
Note: InDesign recognizes special namespace attributes that can specify paragraph or character styles, tables and table cell styles, as well as control whitespace. For more information, see the XML technical reference and other resources at

Add an attribute

  1. Select an element.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Add An Attribute button .

    • Choose New Attribute on the Structure pane menu.

    • Right-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the selected element and choose New Attribute.

  3. Specify a name and a value for the attribute, and then click OK.

Show or hide attributes in the Structure pane

  Choose Show Attributes or Hide Attributes from the Structure pane menu.

You may need to click the triangle icon next to an element to display its attributes.

Edit or delete an attribute

  1. Select an attribute in the Structure pane.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To edit the attribute, double-click it or choose Edit from the Structure pane menu.

    • To delete the attribute, click the Delete icon or choose Delete from the Structure pane menu.