
About preferences and defaults

Preferences include settings such as panel positions, measurement options, and display options for graphics and typography. Preference settings specify how InDesign documents and objects behave initially.

Default settings are used for every new document or object you create. For example, you can specify the default font and other type specifications for all new documents or text frames.

Numerous program preferences and default settings are stored in the Adobe InDesign preferences files, called InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData. Both of these defaults files are saved each time you exit from InDesign.

Note: InDesign preference settings are fully scriptable. To share a consistent set of preferences across user groups, develop a script to set the preferences, and then have all users in the group run the script on their computers. Don’t copy and paste one user’s preferences files onto another computer, as doing so might cause application instability. For more information about scripting, see the Scripting Guide on the InDesign CS3 DVD.