
Turn pages

InDesign makes it easy to jump from page to page in a document. For example, just as most web browsers provide Back and Forward buttons to navigate through pages you’ve visited, InDesign keeps track of the order in which you’ve viewed pages in a document.

 Do any of the following:
  • To move through pages in the order in which you viewed them during the current session, choose Layout > Go Back or Go Forward.

  • To go to the next or previous page, click the Next Page button  or Previous Page button  at the bottom of the document window, or choose Layout > Next Page or Previous Page.

  • To go to the first or last page, click the First Spread button  or Last Spread button  at the lower left of the document window, or choose Layout > First Page or Last Page.

  • To go to a specific page, choose Layout > Go To Page, specify the page number, and click OK. Or, click the downward-facing arrow at the right of the page box, and then choose a page.

    Choose page from page box to go to specific page

  • To go to a master page, click in the page box at the lower left of the document window. Type the first few letters of the master page name, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS). Or, in the Pages panel, double-click a master page icon or double-click the page numbers below the icons.