
Toolbox overview

Some tools in the toolbox are for selecting, editing, and creating page elements. Other tools are for choosing type, shapes, lines, and gradients. You can change the overall layout of the toolbox to fit your preferred window and panel layout. By default, the toolbox appears as two vertical columns of tools. You can also set it up as a single vertical column or as one horizontal row. However, you can’t rearrange the positions of individual tools in the toolbox. To move the toolbox, drag the toolbox by its title bar.

Select a tool from the default toolbox by clicking it. The toolbox also contains several hidden tools related to the visible tools. Hidden tools are indicated by arrows to the right of the tool icons. Select a hidden tool by clicking and holding the current tool in the toolbox and then selecting the tool that you want.

The name of the tool and its keyboard shortcut appear when you hold the pointer over the tool—this text is called the tool tip. You can turn off tool tips by choosing None from the Tool Tips menu in General preferences.

Display the toolbox

 Choose Window > Tools.

Display tool options

 Double-click a tool in the toolbox.

This procedure works only for some tools, such as the Eyedropper, Pencil, and Polygon tools.

Display and select hidden tools

  1. In the toolbox, position the pointer over a tool that has hidden tools and hold down the mouse button.
  2. When the hidden tools appear, select a tool.
Hidden tools menu

Change the toolbox layout

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Interface (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Interface (Mac OS).
  2. Choose a layout option from the Floating Tools Panel menu and click OK.