
Use the Command bar

The Command bar (previously called the PageMaker toolbar) provides quick access to a set of frequently used features. You can show or hide the toolbar, and you can dock it to the top, bottom, or side of the document window.

Note: In InDesign, Command bar buttons are disabled if the feature isn’t available. For example, if a document has only one page, the Remove Pages button is dimmed.
Command bar

Docked toolbar

Floating toolbar

 Do one of the following:
  • To display or hide the Command bar, choose Window > Object & Layout> Command Bar.

  • To dock the Command bar, drag the vertical bar on the left of the Control bar until the bar is docked beneath the Control panel, or to the bottom of the document window.

  • To undock (float) the Command bar, drag the vertical bar on the left of Command bar away from the area where it’s docked.