

Change bullet characters

If you don’t want to use one of the existing bullet characters, you can add other bullet characters to the Bullet Character grid. A bullet character that is available in one font may not be available in another font. You can choose whether the font is remembered with any bullet character you add.

If you want to use a bullet found in a specific font (such as the pointing hand from Dingbats), be sure to set the bullet to remember that font. If you use a basic bullet character, it’s probably best not to remember the font, because most fonts have their own version of that bullet character. Depending on whether you select the Remember Font With Bullet option, a bullet you add can reference either a Unicode value and a specific font family and style, or just a Unicode value.

Note: Bullets that reference only the Unicode value (without a remembered font) appear with a red “u” indicator.
Bullets And Numbering dialog box

Bullet without remembered font

Bullet with remembered font

Change the bullet character

  1. On the Control panel menu or Paragraph panel menu, select Bullets And Numbering.
  2. In the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, select Bullets from the List Type menu.
  3. Select a different bullet character, and then click OK.

Add a bullet character

  1. In the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, select Bullets from the List Type menu, then click Add.
  2. Select the glyph that you want to use as the bullet character. (Different font families and font styles contain different glyphs.)
  3. If you want the new bullet to remember the currently chosen font and style, select Remember Font With Bullet.
  4. Click Add.
Note: The list of bullet characters is stored in the document, like paragraph and character styles. When you paste or load paragraph styles from another document, any bullet character used in those styles appears in the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, along with the other bullets defined for the current document.

Remove a bullet character

  1. In the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, select Bullets from the List Type menu.
  2. Select the bullet character you want to remove, and click Delete. (The first preset bullet character cannot be deleted.)