

Insert right indent tabs

In one step, you can add a right-aligned tab at the right indent, making it easier to prepare tabular text that spans an entire column. Right indent tabs are slightly different from regular tabs. A right indent tab:

  • Aligns all subsequent text to the right edge of the text frame. If the same paragraph includes any tabs after the right indent tab, those tabs and their text are pushed to the next line.

  • Is a special character located in the text, not in the Tabs dialog box. You add a right indent tab using a context menu, not the Tabs dialog box. As a result, a right indent tab can’t be part of a paragraph style.

  • Is different from the Right Indent value in the Paragraph panel. The Right Indent value keeps the entire right edge of the paragraph away from the right edge of the text frame.

  • Can be used with a tab leader. Right indent tabs use the tab leader of the first tab stop past the right margin, or, if there isn't one, the last tab stop before the right margin.

  1. Using the Type tool , click on the line where you want to add the right indent tab.
  2. Choose Type > Insert Special Character > Other > Right Indent Tab.