

Create a hanging indent

In a hanging indent, all the lines in a paragraph are indented except for the first line. Hanging indents are especially useful when you want to add inline graphics at the beginning of the paragraph.

No indent (left) and hanging indent (right)

  1. Using the Type tool , click in the paragraph you want to indent.
  2. In the Tabs dialog box or the Control panel, specify a left indent value greater than zero.
  3. To specify a negative first-line left indent value, do one of the following:
    • In the Control panel, type a negative value for the first-line left indent .

    • In the Tabs dialog box, drag the top marker to the left, or select the marker and type a negative value for X.

In most cases you’ll specify the negative equivalent of the value you entered in step 2; for instance, if you specified a left indent of 2 picas, your first-line left indent will typically be –2 picas.