
Trap a document or book

Do not change the default trapping settings unless you’ve consulted with your prepress service provider, and you understand how trapping options work in the context of your specific document and printing conditions.

When trapping multiple documents in a book, make sure that you assign any custom trap presets to page ranges within the individual documents of the book. You cannot assign trapping settings to an entire book at once. However, you can resolve conflicting presets in a document.

  1. If necessary, create a trap preset with custom settings for your document and press conditions.
  2. Assign the trap preset to a page range.
  3. Choose File > Print to open the Print dialog box.
  4. Select Output from the list on the left.
  5. For Color, choose either Separations or In‑RIP Separations, depending on whether you’re creating on‑host or in‑RIP separations.
  6. For Trapping, choose one of the following options:
    • Application Built‑In, to use the trapping engine included with InDesign.

    • Adobe In‑RIP. This option works only when you target an output device that supports Adobe In‑RIP Trapping.

  7. If your prepress service provider recommends changing ink settings, click Ink Manager. Select an ink, set the options specified by your prepress service provider, and then click OK:
  8. Continue specifying other print options, and then click Print to print your document.