
Trapping imported vector graphics

Both Adobe In‑RIP Trapping and built‑in trapping can trap text and graphics created with InDesign tools, and placed vector PDF files. However, built‑in trapping cannot trap placed vector EPS graphics.

The text, paths, and frames you create in InDesign won’t trap correctly if they overlap a frame containing a placed graphic that built‑in trapping won’t trap, such as vector EPS graphics. (However, those objects will trap correctly with Adobe In‑RIP Trapping.) You may be able to use built‑in trapping with documents containing vector EPS graphics if you adjust the graphic’s frame. If the placed EPS graphic isn’t rectangular, try reshaping the frame closer to the graphic itself, and away from other objects. For example, you might choose Object > Clipping Path to fit the graphics frame more tightly around the graphic.

InDesign text and graphics that overlap placed EPS graphics (left) won’t trap correctly; to achieve good trapping, reshape the frame so that it doesn’t touch other objects (right).