
Apply a flattener preset for output

You can choose a flattener preset in the Print dialog box, or in the format-specific dialog box that appears after the initial Export dialog box.

If you regularly export or print documents that contain transparency, you can automate the flattening process by saving flattener settings in a transparency flattener preset. You can then apply these settings when you print or export to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4.0), SVG, or EPS formats.

 In the Advanced panel of the Print, Export EPS, or Export Adobe PDF dialog box, or in the SVG Options dialog box, choose a custom preset or one of the following default preset:
[Low Resolution]
Use for quick proofs that will be printed on black-and-white desktop printers, and for documents that will be published on the web or exported to SVG.

[Medium Resolution]
Use for desktop proofs and print-on-demand documents that will be printed on Adobe PostScript color printers.

[High Resolution]
Use for final press output, and for high-quality proofs such as separations-based color proofs.
Note: The flattening settings are used only if the artwork contains transparency or if Simulate Overprint is selected in the Output area of the Export Adobe PDF dialog box.