
Knock out objects within a group

You use the Knockout Group option in the Effects panel to make the opacity and blending attributes of every object in the selected group knock out—that is, visually block out—underlying objects in the group. Only objects within the selected group are knocked out. Objects beneath the selected group are still affected by the blending or opacity that you apply to objects within the group.

It is important to understand that you apply the blending modes and opacity to the individual objects, but apply the Knockout Group option to the group.

Group with Knockout Group option deselected (left) compared to selected (right)

  1. Apply the blending modes and opacity settings to the individual objects that you want to knock out.
  2. Using the Selection tool, select the objects that you want to knock out.
  3. Choose Object > Group.
  4. In the Effects panel, select Knockout Group. (If the option is not visible, select Show Options in the Effects panel menu.)