
Duplicate objects

You can duplicate objects using a number of different methods.

Duplicate an object using the Duplicate command

Use the Duplicate command to replicate a selected object instantly. The new copy appears on the layout slightly offset down and to the right from the original.

 Select an object or objects, and choose Edit > Duplicate.

Duplicate a selected object as you transform

You can duplicate an object each time you change its position, orientation, or proportions. For example, you can create a flower by drawing one petal, setting its reference point at the base of the petal, and repeatedly rotating at incremental angles, simultaneously duplicating to leave behind a new copy of the petal at each angle.

 During a transformation, do one of the following:
  • If you’re dragging the Selection tool , the Rotate tool , the Scale tool , or the Shear tool , start dragging, and then hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) after you begin dragging. To constrain the duplicate’s transformation, Alt+Shift-drag (Windows) or Option+Shift-drag (Mac OS).

  • If you’re specifying a value in the Transform or Control panel, press Alt+Enter (Windows) or Option+Return (Mac OS) after you’ve typed the value.

  • If you’re pressing arrow keys to move objects, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you press the keys.

Duplicate objects into rows or columns

Use the Step and Repeat command to instantly create rows or columns of duplicates. For example, you can fill a page with evenly spaced duplicates of a single business card design.

  1. Select the object or objects you want to duplicate.
  2. Choose Edit > Step and Repeat.
  3. For Repeat Count, specify how many duplicates you want to make, not counting the original.
  4. For Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset, specify how far to shift the position of each new duplicate from the previous duplicate along the  x and y axes, respectively, and click OK.
To create a page full of duplicates, first use Step and Repeat with Vertical Offset set to 0 (zero); this will create one row of duplicates. Then select the entire row and use Step and Repeat with Horizontal Offset set to 0; this will repeat the row down the page.