
Reflect (flip) objects

Reflecting an object flips the object across an invisible axis at the reference point you specify. (See Change transformation settings.)

Original object (top) reflected using Flip Horizontal (middle) and Flip Vertical (bottom)

The flip/rotate indicator (P) in the middle of the Control panel appears white with a black outline if an object is flipped. If the object is not flipped, the indicator is solid black.

  1. Select an object to flip. To flip both the frame and its content, use the Selection tool to select the frame. To flip the content without its frame, direct-select the object. To flip a frame without its content, direct-select the frame, and select all the anchor points.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To reflect using the reference point as a horizontal axis, click the Flip Horizontal button in the Control panel.

    • To reflect using the reference point as a vertical axis, click the Flip Vertical button in the Control panel.

    You can also reflect objects by using the Selection tool or Free Transform tool to pull one side of an object’s bounding box past the opposite side, or by typing negative values into the Scale X Percentage or Scale Y Percentage options in the Transform or Control panel.