You can modify an object’s size or shape, and change its orientation on the pasteboard, by using tools and commands. The toolbox includes four transformation tools—the Rotate, Scale, Shear, and Free Transform tools. All transformations, with the addition of reflection, are available in the Transform and Control panels, where you can precisely specify transformations.
When transforming objects, note the following:
The results
of a transformation can differ significantly, depending on which selection
tool you use. Use the Selection tool to
transform an entire path and its content; use the Direct Selection
transform just the path without its content or the content without
its path. To transform the content without its path, make sure that
all anchor points are selected.
A transformation affects all selected objects as a single unit. For example, if you select multiple objects and rotate them 30°, they all rotate around one reference point. If you want to rotate each selected object 30° around its own reference point, you must select and rotate them individually.
When transforming type, you can use either of two selection methods: Use the Selection or Direct Selection tool to select an entire text frame or text converted to outlines, and then use the transformation tools; or use the Type tool to select text or to click an insertion point in a text frame, and then specify transformations in the Transform panel, Control panel, or dialog boxes available when you double-click a tool. In both cases, the transformation affects the entire text frame.
When you rotate, skew, or scale a group, the settings apply to the entire group, as well as to the individual objects in the group. For example, if you rotate a group 30°, the rotation value in the Transform or Control panel is 30° whether you select the group itself or direct-select an object in the group.
For a video on working with objects, see
InDesign no longer includes a Transform Content command. Instead, use the selection tools to determine whether the content and frame are transformed together or separately.
The Free Transform tool works the same way it does in Adobe Photoshopand Adobe Illustrator, by providing a way to perform any transformation with just one tool. You can combine transformations, such as rotating and scaling, while the Free Transform tool is active.
To move objects, click anywhere within the bounding box, and then drag.
To scale objects, drag any bounding box handle until the object is the desired size. Shift-drag the handle to preserve the selection’s proportions.
To scale objects from the center of the bounding box, Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS).
To rotate objects, position the pointer anywhere
outside the bounding box. When pointer changes to , drag
until the selection is at the desired angle of rotation.
To reflect objects, drag a handle of the bounding box past the opposite edge or handle, until the object is at the desired level of reflection.
To shear objects, begin dragging a handle, and then hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS). Hold down Alt+Ctrl (Windows) or Command+Option to shear from both sides of the object.