

Add words to dictionaries

If, during a spell check, InDesign displays an unfamiliar word in the Check Spelling dialog box, select the dictionary from the Add To menu, and then click Add. You can also use the Dictionary dialog box to give you more control over how words are added to an exception word list.

  1. Choose Edit > Spelling > Dictionary.
  2. In the Language menu, choose a language. Each language contains at least one dictionary.
  3. In the Target menu, choose the dictionary where you want to store the word. The Target menu lets you store the changes in an external user dictionary or in any open document.
  4. In the Dictionary List menu, choose Added Words.
  5. Click Hyphenate to see the word’s default hyphenation. Tildes (~) indicate possible hyphenation points.
  6. In the Word box, type or edit the word to be added to the word list.
  7. If you don’t like the hyphenation points, follow these guidelines to indicate your preferred hyphenation of the word:
    • Type one tilde (~) to indicate the best possible hyphenation points, or the only acceptable hyphenation point, in the word.

    • Type two tildes (~~) to indicate your second choice.

    • Type three tildes (~~~) to indicate a poor but acceptable hyphenation point.

    • If you want the word never to be hyphenated, type a tilde before its first letter.

      If you need to include an actual tilde in a word, type a backslash before the tilde (\~).
  8. Click Add, and then click Done. The word is added to the currently selected Dictionary List.
Note: Remember that hyphenation points interact with the hyphenation settings in your documents. As a result, the word might not break where you expect it to. Control these settings by choosing Hyphenation in the Paragraph panel menu. (See Hyphenate text.)